Travel Tips and Tweets with Twaller

With over 20,000 tweets per minute, Twitter can offer a wealth of information. From interesting industry stories to great deals offered by an airline, there is no shortage of tweets about travel. But if you are looking for information on a city you are traveling to, sorting through this constant stream of 140-character posts to find a relevant post can be daunting. This is where Twaller comes in.

Twaller does all of the searching and sorting for you. Pulling together applicable tweets based on keywords, hashtags, and user locations, Twaller then sorts them into categories and specific cities to make it easy to find what you are looking for. Say you want to find a good place to eat in Barcelona, some fine shopping in Chicago, or what the weather is like in Mumbai, this site makes it easy to find what you are looking for.

The site is still in Beta, meaning that they are actively working on improving it and adding more features, but we wanted to give you a head’s up on this promising service. We would like to see more corresponding tweets to the categories (right now you just see the three latest), the ability to click through to the actual twitter post, and a better flow to the site.

Twaller shows a lot of promise. We hope that you can find some useful information for your next trip through their service.

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