So, You Want to be a Blogger? Part 2
Yesterday I posted Part 1 of So, You Want to be a Blogger? Here is Part 2.
Do you read the other BoardingArea blogs?
I read as many as possible because like most readers, I come here to learn. This means everything about travel including miles/points, deals, travel tips, industry news, and trip reports. So yes, I try to keep up with BoardingArea like most people.
Do the bloggers know each other?
Many of us know the other bloggers personally, mostly because of Randy Petersen’s BAcon conferences that have been held the past couple of years (and hopefully continue in the future). Some have forged great bonds and friendships because of these meet ups, though I would add that if any of us has a question, the other BA bloggers are very willing to help each other. The BA environment is very family-like even though there is perhaps some competition among us.
What do you mean by competition? How do you compete?
As most readers know, it is not uncommon to see the same topic posted by numerous BA bloggers. Of course, each of us would love to be first all the time but that never happens. To the extent there is any competition, it is very friendly. “Co-opertition” is a good word for it – cooperative competition.
So do you get your blog topics from reading other BA bloggers?
No, though I often see another blogger posting about something that I am currently writing about. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with reading about the same topic from three or four bloggers. Each of us typically takes a different angle and certainly offers unique content. By reading all of them, you can often get a more complete picture.
Some BA bloggers are anonymous, others post their names. Why the difference?
Some bloggers have full-time jobs where they may have an employment conflict if it is learned they are also blogging. I was concerned about this myself when I was at Deloitte. Others prefer to remain anonymous for different reasons. In the end, this is about content, not whether a certain name appears on a blog.
Who is your favorite BoardingArea blogger?
Some of us are better known for specific types of content while others are more general about travel. To me, each post stands on its own. In other words, I read the blogs based on the content, not the blogger. Of course, some write more often than others so naturally they are also read more often.
So then, what do you write about?
I like to post about travel news like other bloggers and also like to offer practical travel tips that help improve our journeys. A little off the path from others, I also like to write about futuristic stuff related to travel. I try to post trip reports as often as possible because readers say they want more of this. Like others, I have my op-ed opinion pieces where I might get speculative. Product reviews and lighthearted humor are fun. Many posts are more personal, dealing with my own travel and experiences, like this one you are reading right now. To the extent possible, I like to offer tips on travel technology (apps and gadgets). And from time to time, I love to have giveaway contests.
Why don’t you write more about miles and points?
These deals come and go, sometimes very quickly, so it takes someone more dedicated to searching out this information than I have time for. Fortunately there are many bloggers here on BoardingArea who do an outstanding job of finding the very best deals for you all the time. And, like you, I am very interested in getting the most miles and points for and from my travels, so that is why I refer to BA often.

Do you get paid for blogging?
We are paid, primarily from page views and ad click-throughs based on a somewhat complex formula. Some bloggers increase their earnings by offering credit cards and other joint ventures but again, remember that some are trying to make this their full-time profession. For me, it feeds my Starbucks fix. But as I said, I am here for the passion. Travel is in my blood (as well as lots of caffeine!)
How can I become a BoardingArea blogger?
I became a BoardingArea blogger after Randy asked me to join BA as its first female blogger. I had already established Pearls of Travel Wisdom a few years earlier. Many other BA bloggers have also been invited by Randy. Check out Become a Blogger on BoardingArea for more information if you are interested in sharing your passion for travel with others.